You may or may not know that I am an avid scooter enthusiast and have been an owner for exactly one year last week. I drive a Genuine Buddy 125. I enjoy driving it immensely. It gets about 95 miles per gallon of gas and reaches speeds of about 65 miles per hour. This brings me to my first rant.
I recently purchased a motorcycle jacket to wear while scooting. I have only been wearing it for one week and already I have been ridiculed twice for wearing it. People think I am over-protected or trying to just look cool. There are a few things I don't think that they realize. This scooter goes just as fast as all the other traffic on the road I drive on. I am smaller than a regular motorcycle and therefore less likely to be seen (especially at night since it is black). I have the potential to be in just as bad of wrecks as any other motorcyclist and I think that merits the

Another short scoot story from today. So I took my scoot in for it's yearly safety inspection. Luckily this only costs $9, but it is still a bit of a rip because all they do is make sure your lights are working. Unfortunately all of mine were not. My tail light worked but my brake light did not. The guy at the shop told me he could sell me one of theirs for $4.50 or I could go down the street to autozone and get one for a couple bucks cheaper. I took his advice, went to autozone and replaced the light. I went back to the shop and they passed buddy. Now, here is a side note. I usually get a discount at this place when I do safety & emissions on my truck there because of the place I work. So, as you can imagine I was curious if I would also get a discount on the scooter's inpspection. So I asked the guy and he just rolls his eyes and said "dude, it's only 9 bucks." I wanted to scream in his face "you just sent me down the street to save a dollar on the light bulb and I did it, I am obviously a tight wad now give me a dollar off this ish!" Well, I didn't get the discount but whatev, his demeanor just pissed me off.

I have to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning every Tuesday and Thursday and have been riding the trax all the way down there. This should provide for some interesting stories as well.
As far as school goes I am almost done with an Associates of Science degree in Communication. I should have that in December. Then from there I will continue to get a Bachelors of Science in Communication with an emphasis in Journalism. I really still don't know what I want to do... but whatever it is it will be in the field. Hopefully.
Now you are relatively caught up and you can look forward to more of my annoyance incidents.
1 comment:
DUDE i didn't know your internship was at radio from hell. that's pretty cool! q: is gina hot? q: is bill fat? i miss them both as well as kerry.
sucks about douchebag at the store.
"they passed buddy" is so funny to hear you say in my head.
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