I was pleasantly surprised at how entertaining this movie actually was. Atonement takes place in pre-war England and begins with Briony Tallis (weirdest name I've ever heard, and one of the most conflicted little girls I've ever seen) writing a play. The movie follows a series of events that lead 13 year old Briony to believe that Robbie Turner (James McAvoy), her sister's (Keira Knightley) secret lover, is a sex crazed rapist. She testifies against him and Robbie is sent to prison. Eventually he is given the ultimatum to continue his life of imprisonment or join the British forces. He elects to enlist. The audience is able to see the pain that both Robbie and Cecelia (Knightley) are subjected to because of their separation. As their love for each other seems to grow the longer they are apart.
Atonement is anything but linear. Unlike most conventional love stories things don't happen exactly in chronological order. The time line is carefully plotted by director Joe Wright to accentuated emotion.
There is a scene about 3/4 of the way through the movie where Robbie and what I can only assume are the remains of his battalion stumble upon the Dunkirk evacuation. We are subjected to the living conditions of thousands of soldiers that have been completely tapped of all physical and mental energy as they wait for a their boat ride home. This is by far the most spectacular scene in the movie. Joe Wright opts for a single seamless take as Robbie walks through the crowds in search of something to drink. The way this scene is shot allows for the audience to not only feel Robbies pain, but the pain of every person he passes. It is pure sensual and aesthetic pleasure.
The ending is something that will take you by surprise, even if you are paying close attention. I didn't catch it, and I usually catch twists about a half hour into a movie (ahem, Sweeny Tood). I don't know if I would say that this was the best movie of 2007, but I would definitely allow in to enjoy a placement in my top 5.
3.5/5 stars
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